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Adyen Without Retail

One of the things that Microsoft has not done a good job at documenting is how to use credit cards with the Adyen connector without using the Retail and Commerce module. In this post I'd like to discuss how you can use it without using call center, including the drawbacks to doing so.

Adyen Configurations

To use Adyen, it goes without saying that you need an Adyen test merchant account. Signing up for one is very simple, just go to their website and sign up. A link can be found here. For the full functionality, you'll want to sign up for both an Ecom and a POS (card-not-present and card-present) merchant.

After you've signed up, you'll need to create a new API. To do this, go to the Developers > API credentials and create a new API credential:

After you've got a new API credential, you'll need a few things from it:

  • You'll need to generate and save a new API key. Save this somewhere safe for later use.

  • Scroll down to the client settings section. Copy and paste the URL from your D365 environment into the allowed origins and generate a new origin key. Save this origin key (also called a client key) for later use as well.

The final thing you'll need to do with your Adyen account is change some of the API settings. Do this by going to the Developer tab again and clicking additional data.

Check the "toggle all fields" to select them all, then scroll down to the banking section and uncheck "Bank detail additional data," and under the Risk section uncheck "Fraud result" as these are not used in Dynamics 365 functionality.

Just remember to keep hitting save throughout the process!

Activating Your Account

After you've got everything set up and you've got API credentials created (web service users) for each of your merchant accounts, you'll need to raise a support ticket with Adyen so that they can activate your account. They're usually pretty good about this and only takes a few days to get things working fully. Then you're ready to start working through getting D365 set up.

D365 Configurations

There are a few configurations that need to be done before being able to pay for sales orders with credit cards. Below I'll cover these setups.

Payment Service

The first thing that needs to be done is configure a payment service. To do this, go to Accounts Receivable > Payment setup > Payment services

Add a new payment service and make sure you select the payment connector for Adyen. Then fill in all of the appropriate information:

The configurations are as folows:

Setup tab

  • Select the Dynamics 365 Payment Connector for Adyen option

Payment service account tab

  • Let assembly name and service account ID autopopulate

  • Version = V002

  • Gateway environment = Test

  • Optional domain = [Blank]

  • Merchant Account ID = The ECOM merchant account that was created when signing up for Adyen

  • Terminal architecture = Cloud

  • All 3 locals = [Blank], Local cryptor can stay at 1

  • Cloud API Key = Paste the API Key generated when setting up the API credentials in the previous section

  • Everything else can stay the same, except for the Origin key. Paste the client key that you generated with the API credential here

After that, you'll need to go into Electronic payment types and select a payment journal name that each payment type will post captures with. You can also select the level of information captured at each transaction per card here (as noted as Level 1 - Level 3).

Once you're done with all that, hit the checkbox in the Setup tab for "Default processor for new credit cards" and everything will validate. If you've done everything right you'll see the lovely blue infolog that says validated, and you're good to go!

Accounts Receivable Parameters

After you've got the payment service configured, you'll need to set up the Accounts receivable parameters to accept credit cards.

First, navigate to the parameters (Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters) and go to the credit card tab:

The big things to set up here are shown above. Namely:

- Credit card authorization = Yes

- Number of days before expired = The bank's number of days before an authorization expires

- Credit card payment posting tab: Set up where the payments will post when selecting a credit card

payment as a prepayment/authorization on a sales order.

Next to set up is how we trigger credit cards on sales orders.

Payment Terms

The payment terms are what trigger credit cards to be selectable on a sales order. To configure these appropriately, first navigate to the form. Accounts Receivable > Payment setup > Terms of payment.

On the terms of payment that will indicate a credit card is being used, set the Payment type to Credit card in the Other section as seen below:

Credit Card Use

Now that everything is configured, how do we actually use the functionality? It's a little bit hidden, so let me guide you. First, we need to get credit cards into the system.

Credit Card Entry - Customer

There are 2 ways to enter a credit card into the system. Depending on the situation, both will be used. If a customer calls and wants to put a card on file for later use, you can do this from the customer directly. First, navigate to the customer record via all customers (Accounts Receivable, Sales and Marketing, or Retail and Commerce all have ways to get to all customers).

In the Customer tab in the ribbon, under the Setup section, press Credit card:

Here you can create a new record which will bring up the credit card entry iFrame:

The credit card can now be used (assuming it passed tokenization) on sales orders for that customer and that customer only.

Credit Card Entry - Sales Order

The other use case is that the customer wants to create and use a new credit card at the time of order entry. If this is the case, it would be a pain to navigate away from the sales order to the customer, add the credit card, then go back to the sales order to process it. Instead, follow these steps:

  1. On the sales order, go to the header of the sales order and change the payment terms to the terms that have Credit card set up on them

2. In the ribbon select the manage tab, then on the far left there is a section call Credit card. Select

that, then Register

This will bring you to the same page as if you were on a customer from all customers. All the credit card and save so you can go back to the sales order.

Credit Card Use

To use a credit card on a sales order, the payment terms must be set to a payment term with Credit card set. That allows you to select a credit card from the Credit card number section on the sales order header:

Note that if you have your payment terms as something with credit card and DON'T select a credit card, you'll get an error. Similarly, if you don't set a payment terms with credit card, you can't select a credit card number.

Once both of these are set, you have some options:

  1. You can manually authorize the credit card by going to Manage > Credit card > Authorize

  2. If you continue to process the sales order it will automatically authorize the card at different points in the sales order processing process.

Credit card authorization timing

If you don't manually authorize a credit card, the sales order has automatic authorization points in the sales order processing process. These times are as follows:

  1. Picking list posting

  2. Packing slip posting

  3. Invoice posting

Note that if there's already an authorization on a transaction it won't re-authorize. The system will check to see if there is a valid authorization and if there is, it will keep that authorization throughout the sales order process.

Pros and Cons

There are some definite pros and cons to using credit card processing without using Retail and Commerce. Below is how I see the benefits and drawbacks.


  • No extraneous implementation of the R&C module for just this

  • Less forms to click through to add a credit card to a transaction

  • No submit button means the credit card can be charged at different times in the sales process, whereas in call center it can only be charged at order submission


  • Only full amounts can be charged on a credit card. No split payments within a single invoice can be charged to a credit card

  • It is not possible to pay for an invoice (through a customer payment journal) through credit card without call center enabled for the user

  • WMS components are ignored. Therefore, there is no authorization process with the release to warehouse, which is a common authorization point in most companies' business policy.

This is just a quick follow up to my last blog post. You don't HAVE to use Call Center to use Adyen in D365. It just helps a lot!

Any comments or topics you want me to cover? Feel free to drop me a message on here and I'll be sure to reply back!


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