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Store Commerce: The Future of Microsoft POS


As of a few versions ago, Microsoft released a new, fancy version of the POS called the Store Commerce app. This runs differently from mPOS or cPOS in that it is a combination of both Modern Point of Sale in terms of hardware functionality and Cloud Point of Sale in its flexibility from a software perspective.

It runs on a different rendering engine than the past POS applications, giving it a more responsive interface than its predecessors. There is also a benefit from a development perspective now with the Store Commerce application. There are quite a few differences here, but a majority of them are in response to slow performance of the mPOS application and lack of functionality in cPOS. All of the differences can be found in this link.

Downloading Store Commerce

A user no longer needs to have access to D365 to get an installer for the POS application. Instead, they'll need an LCS logon (not necessarily associated to a project).

To download a copy of the Store Commerce app, follow these steps:

- Log into LCS using any valid login credentials

- On the right-hand side, click "Shared Asset Library"

- In the Shared asset library, click on "Retail self-service package" and find your Store Commerce with the correct version:

- Save the file somewhere you'll be able to find using Powershell

Installing Store Commerce

The installation process for Store Commerce is slightly more technical than past POS applications in that you'll need to do it from a Powershell command.

First, open Powershell as an administrator on your machine. It will look something like this:

Now, using the cd .. command and cd [directory] command, navigate to where you've saved your .exe file downloaded from LCS.

Once you've navigated to the appropriate place, type in the following command:

.\StoreCommerce.Installer.exe install

Now this assumes you haven't changed the name of the file, but it should run the installer appropriately, assuming you haven't changed the name of the installer and that you've directed Powershell to the right place on your computer.

Activating Store Commerce

Store Commerce activates the exact same way that the old POS applications activated. You'll need your Commerce server URL from the channel profiles in D365, and all of your configuration should be pointing to the Store Commerce application. That means that all of your prerequisite configurations should be done just like you would have done with mPOS or cPOS. The only difference in setups is your device type (Store Commerce instead of Modern POS or Cloud POS).

Using Store Commerce

Store Commerce has full parity between mPOS and cPOS because it is running the same code base, just through the Chromium engine for rendering. If you know how to use mPOS or cPOS you'll feel right at home using the Store Commerce application.

More to come on the new Store Commerce app functionality! As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions!


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